Aerial View
Carl's Feedlot - Google Earth
Tom's Feedlot - Google Earth
Carl's Feedlot - Airplane
Carl's Feedlot - Airplane
Feed Truck
Brand New 2012 Feed Truck
Night Time Feeding
Feeding Along Bunk - Winter
Feeding Along Bunk - Winter
Filling Truck with Supplement
Feeding Along Bunk - Spring
Payloader & Feed Truck
Loading into Feed Truck
Corn Harvest
Combine Corn - Turn Around
Combine Corn - Full Hopper
Combine Corn - Turn Around
Mack Truck & Jet Trailer
Silage and Earlage Harvest
Claas 850 Chopper in Field
Three of Six Trucks Hauling
9200 Packing Earlage
9200 & 8650 Packing Silage
PLG Trailer Unloading Earlage
Loadstar Trailer Getting Filled
Krone Chopper Taking 12 Rows
Full Truck of Silage
Claas 850 & Dump Cart
Dump Cart & Quad Trac
Claas 850 & Dump Cart
Claas 850 Chopper at Bunker
Cart Dumping into Trailer
9220 & 9200 Ready to Pack
Crop Production
Picking Rock with Maxxum
Picking Rock with Pay loader
Quad Trac with Digger
Quad Trac with Digger
JD Tractor w/16 Row Planter
JD Tractor w/16 Row Planter
28% App - 24 Row Machine
28% Applicator - Filling
32% App - Self Propelled
JD Tractor w/24 Row Planter
JD 4wd with Stalk Chopper
Quad Trac with Vripper
Irrigator Instalation - Loader
Irrigator Instalation - Pump
Feedlot Production
Cracking High Moisture Corn
Cracking Dry Corn
Filling Harvester Silo
JD 8630 w/Hay Grinder
Bale Mover & 9220
Moving Snow w/Snow Pusher
Bale Shreader & Maxxum
John Deere 8650 & Slinger
John Deere 9200 & Slinger
John Deere 9200 & Slinger
Feed and Bedding
Distillers Grain
Ground Hay & Corn Stalks
Hay - Summer
Corn Stalks for Bedding
Corn Stalks for Bedding
Hauling Feed
Hauling Distillers Grain
Hauling Distillers Grain
Hauling Dry Corn
Hauling Liquid Supplement
Cattle Pictures
New Cattle
New Cattle
Cattle Along Bunk
Cattle Along Bunk
Cattle Along Bunk
Processing Cattle
Processing Cattle
Red Pickup Truck
White Pickup Truck
New Knight Slinger
New 24 Row Corn Planter
New JD 1025r Lawn Mower
Machinery Lineup
Cattle Building and Commodity Shed
Commodity Shed - All Bays
Commodity Shed - All Bays
Liquid Supplement Tanks
Bunker - North Side
Commodity Shed - Bays 3&4
Cattle Barn - North Side
Last Update
September 11, 2016